OK, Hello everbody!!!!! How are you? good? bad? sad? RAD? I hope you are all good!!!
Todat I am going to tell you about a book I just finished reading. It is called The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, I am sure you have all heard of the movie, but believe it or not it was first a book. Now for the review....drum roll...more drum rolling....A 10!!!! this book was amazing! I just could not put it down. It had everything I like, Action, Adventure, Comedy, and even a little romance at times (i'm talking about the part at the waterpark kel, ;) I really enjoyed this book and I hope you will too when you read!!!!
Ok, So now for the stuff. I am going to be going to California in April (smiling) I am so excited!!!!!! I am also going to go to the beach and hopefully read and write alot!!! (beaches are always a relaxing place where you can just, lemme think of the right word here for a second...CHILL!!!) I hope everyone is excited for spring (13 DAYS....I mean who's counting???) hehe. I am sure excited.
Well, I have to go finish my Language Arts Project OH and by the way READ THE WESTING GAME!!!! I have already gaven you too many clues about the mystery....so just read it!!!!!