Sunday, December 13, 2009

I am sorry I have not posteed anything in a while, but thanks to my dear friend Alex, she has been keeping you updated.

I am writing a new story (it will be my sixth) called A life based on fashion, this is not a permanent name, I'm just using it until I finish writing writing the book. So far, I have 4 characters, Alexandra Wright, Amanda Smith, Rachel Conrad, and Christina Bell. They each are different in the there own ways but all act the same. Rachel, is very popular and rich, Amanda is Rich and has a few friends that are differnt from the others, Alex (a nickname for Alexandra) is shy, but is popular like the others. Then there is Christina who doesn't really know if she belongs with the "populars" she wants to hang out with people who like things other than shopping and money.

Other wise, my life has been boring as usual. I'll try to blog more with book suggestions and reviews.



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